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Like Deja Vu All Over Again

We're a slightly convoluted bunch -- kind of messy and we kind of enjoy the tightrope walk. Not traditionally a good combination. And of course it often bites us in the ass. This past Sunday night, Some'tet had about 2 hrs to shoot and finish a video at the Snapdragon Cafe for NPR's Tiny Desk contest. We had to have this all done and uploaded by 9pm -- the deadline. What were the odds we'd get this done, Vegas said 8-5 we couldn't. Of course we had a couple of months to get this done -- a dozen gigs we could have filmed ...   

But, we got it done! And still played a set of music afterwards. A HUGE thanks to Shelley Hanna for pulling it all together for us.

It was like deja vu all over again -- last year everyone was sick too, last minute rushing around trying to pull something together and like last year we chose a different song at the very last minute, but what the hell! So here it is Barry and Patrick, Christine and Whitmore